Stuck in Vegas watching my flight back to SF get delayed hour by hour...
Glass half full- I've gone through all my pictures from this weekend in NY, consumed three dinners in the past hour (A guilty pleasure of mine is eating in airports, ew), and am now posting this before I even touch down in SF!
Oddly enough spending time away from everybody I'll soon miss on the west, alleviated a lot of anxiety about moving.
Three days until I leave for Paris!
A rooftop party for the first night.
Took a trip to a beach in Long Island, the Atlantic is so nice to swim in!
Late night snack at 16 Handles, amazing froyo.
Best Chile Relleno I have EVER had.
Spent part of Monday at Sheeps Meadow in Central Park, drinking mimosas and attempting to do some pull-ups.
Tuesday early evening on the Great Lawn.
Dinner in East Village before going out. Indulged in an amazing Mac n' Cheese-- I'd say it even beats the greatness of The Grove and Gussies in SF.
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